2017 Arts Council of Greater New Haven 37th Annual Arts Awards for contributions to the Creative Ecosystem

2015 SchoolArts Magazine August/September issue published Design Connection Partnership 5th grade program

2015 Selected by National Endowment for the Arts, Jane Chu, as one of her two as one of her two Connecticut sites to visit the Design Connection Partnership in action in the NHPS 

2012 Design Connections Program Featured on WNBC–TV

2009 One of six arts organizations selected to pilot arts learning activities forHartford Performs, a new initiative for the Hartford Public Schools in Connecticut.

2005 Award of Merit for The Hartford Connection from The American Architectural Foundation

2003 Achievement Award from the New Haven Public School System

2003 Certificate of Commendation for New Haven’s Cultural Landscape: its changing people and places from the American Association for State and Local History

2003 Recipient of Award of Merit for New Haven’s Cultural Landscape: its changing people and places from the Connecticut League of History Organizations

1997 National Institute Honors Award for Education, American Institute of Architects

1996 Public Education Award, Connecticut AIA

1995 Golden Rule Award for Education, JC Penney

1994 Community Arts Education Award, Connecticut Alliance for Arts Education

1994 Renaissance Award for Education, Hartford Downtown Council

1994 Call To the Visionary Artist Program is one of twenty programs worldwide selected to be part of an international tour, Architecture + Children, opening September 1994 in Zutphen, Netherlands

1993 Urban Enrichment Award from the National League of Cities

1993 Public Education Award from the American Planning Association

1992 Creativity Award from the International Downtown Association